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AR-aided Remote Support

How Augmented Reality Can Change Physical Repair

When augmented reality emerged onto the scene, most people anticipated that it would primarily change consumer industries, like gaming. This idea was seemingly confirmed with the explosive popularity of Pokémon Go, the 2016 AR game that saw gamers capture virtual pokemon out in the real world, using only their phone. But some of the most… Read More>>

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Android Geofencing Guide: Track & Secure Devices with AirDroid Business

Many of our customers have already embraced mobile transformation and are sending them out in the field to give employees better productivity. For instance, truck drivers now use Android devices for communication and managing their logistics delivery; health organizations use Android tablets to track the location and health status of patients.  However, as your business… Read More>>

Devices You Can Remote Control

The A to Z of Devices You Can Remote Control

When most professionals hear the term “mobile device management,” they generally assume that an MDM can only remote control company-issued phones. Several years ago, this idea may have been accurate. But as the digital devices in our world have exploded in number, so, too, has the umbrella of what an MDM can remotely control. Now the… Read More>>

On-Premises vs Cloud MDM deployment

On-Premises vs Cloud MDM deployment: Key Differences between them

With the rise of SaaS application management, mobile device management (MDM) services have gained popularity among IT professionals. Modern computing environments rely on the efficient use and provisioning of resources. But which one is right for your business: on-premise or cloud MDM deployment? While this may seem like a simple question, there are many factors… Read More>>

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5 Ways Customer Service Automation Aids in Remote Support

Ask anyone walking down the street if they have had a bad customer service experience, and the answer will probably be “Yes!”. Customer service is the backbone of many businesses, but getting it right can be tricky. That is especially true for remote customer support. The customer should be valued, but translating that value into… Read More>>

What is Going on in Your Displays

How MDM Resolves Common Issues With Digital Signages

When it comes to digital signages, most businesses think about them from the same perspective they use when executing other collaterals, such as print advertisements. These business leaders prioritize branding: the look and feel of the signage should be faithful to the brand, any elements from the brand bible should be rendered accurately, and the… Read More>>

AR in remote support

Why Your Business Needs AR Technology for IT Remote Support

While many people may have a basic understanding of virtual reality (VR), most are not as familiar with the concept of augmented reality (AR). Virtual reality is a completely immersive experience that separates the viewer from the physical world through the use of a VR device that the user wears. In contrast, augmented reality typically… Read More>>

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IT Remote Support Software: What You Should Know

Remote support software is designed specifically to help businesses provide customer support by troubleshooting software and hardware issues using a variety of tools. In contrast to remote access and control software, customers that receive remote assistance support must give consent to allow access to an IT technician to view their device’s screen. When the end-user… Read More>>

MDM elevates customer service experience

How MDM Can Elevate Your Customer Service Experience

Customer service is essential to a businesses’ survival, and it makes sense when considering the impact that poor customer service can have on a business in terms of reputation and sales. In fact, 70 percent of people have claimed that their purchase decisions are based on the customer service received, so it is imperative for… Read More>>

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Top 3 Advantages of Remote Support Software for SMBs

Your employees and customers are constantly on the move and rely on their mobile devices to stay connected and productive. On-demand remote support is crucial when technical issues become a roadblock in their day.  With mobile device remote support, your IT team can troubleshoot problems quickly and efficiently from a tablet, computer, or smartphone. Customer… Read More>>

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