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airdroid business mdm introduces fast android remote control from web browser blog thumbnail

Now you can use remote control directly within a browser

1. What is Remote control in AirDroid Business All-in-one remote control & access suite for business users. Great and effective for remote troubleshooting and maintenance. Supports non-root devices to provide convenience and security at the same time. 2. How does Web Remote Control help you? Quick and easy – say you’re monitoring the devices and… Read More>>

Introducing AirDroid Business MDM Reporting blog cover

Introducing Reports for AirDroid Business MDM

Device inventory management has become an integral part for any organization wanting to streamline, monitor, and analyze fleets of mobile devices enrolled in an MDM solution. It’s also an important factor to consider when selecting an MDM software. AirDroid Business just released its latest Reports feature that offers a granular view into your data usage,… Read More>>

10 Reasons Businesses Need a Mobile App in 2022

10 Reasons Businesses Need a Mobile App in 2022

These days, we all have our smartphones glued to our hands. We wouldn’t say that we are addicted, as they do provide leisure and are convenient, but sometimes we depend on them a bit too much. For most businesses, creating a mobile app is the most blatant following step in their multichannel marketing plans. It’s… Read More>>

Smartphones vs Tablets: Which one is more enterprise worthy?

Smartphones vs. Tablets: Which One Is More Enterprise-worthy?

Mobile devices have come a long way since the invention of the cell phone in 1973. Now, most of us can’t imagine our day without our smartphones or tablets. Smartphones and tablets keep us connected with friends, family and the outside world. They inform us, entertain us, and allow us to engage us with certain… Read More>>

5 New Ways to Business Processes Can be Integrated With MDM Capabilities

5 New Ways to Business Processes Can be Integrated With MDM Capabilities

Mobile-driven technology is changing the world that we live in, from how we communicate and relax to how we work. Mobile devices have also changed where we can work, too; an asset that has proved invaluable in recent months.  This type of technology has automatically brought fresh opportunities to businesses of all sizes, but it… Read More>>

A Definitive Guide to Using The Right MDM Solution for K12 Remote Learning

A Definitive Guide to Using The Right MDM Solution for K12 Remote Learning

The average K12 classroom has been making the switch from traditional paper and pencil to a well-equipped digital setup for some time. According to a 2019 Gallup survey, 65% of teachers were using digital learning tools in their classrooms. This speaks volumes about the adoption rate of digital tools like mobile device management (MDM) software… Read More>>

Why Your Business Should Consider a Mobile Point of Sale Solution

Why Your Business Should Consider a Mobile Point of Sale Solution?

Today, large and small businesses are all making the most of mobile technology. You might have already begun moving parts of your business onto mobile software – such as finding the best team calendar for your employees to access with ease on their smartphones, or deploying a productivity app. But whether or not your business… Read More>>

What is Mobile Identity & Why Do We Need to Know About It?

What is Mobile Identity & Why Do We Need to Know About It?

We live in a world where digital technology dramatically shapes our lives. Internet use continues to surge worldwide, and mobile devices are often our most frequent window to both physical and digital worlds. The Internet of Things (and IoT device management) are concepts we’re increasingly aware of.  Although smartphone subscriptions are projected to climb over… Read More>>

top 6 msp challenges and opportunities in 2022

Top 6 MSP Challenges & Opportunities in 2022

The field of technological solutions marketed under the heading MSP – Managed Service Providers continues to gain momentum with the abundance and availability of diverse services, solutions, and technologies. MSPs are helping organizations both at an operational level and at a business level. At the same time, small and medium-sized companies that do not have… Read More>>

Ultimate guide for MSP to improve customer experiences

An MSP Guide to Improving Customer Experience

As technology advances, people want things faster, better, and available at all times. For companies that depend on online systems, an IT failure could cause serious financial loss if not resolved quickly and professionally. This is why MSPs were born. The global managed service market is growing at a breakneck speed. Back in 2019, it… Read More>>

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