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How Remote Access Softwares Can Save Time and Money while Enhancing Security

Mobile device management (MDM) Softwares are solving a multitude of business problems. Whether it’s providing the ability for staff to work remotely, or enabling workarounds to otherwise expensive business solutions like digital signage, many businesses, both large and small, are adopting this technology to save both time and money. How exactly can an MDM solution… Read More>>

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3 Ways How MDM Can Help IT Manager Increase Productivity And Simplify Workload

IT Managers arguably have one of the most diverse and demanding roles within any business structure. Not only are they responsible for the general maintenance and upkeep of all software, computers, and devices within a company’s network, they’re also required to work one-on-one with personnel to solve all manner of IT issues while keeping abreast… Read More>>

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Five Top MDM Tips for SMBs to Kickoff 2020

Every business leader knows the key to success is constant reflection and development, and this is especially true when it comes to technology. This can be a challenge, with the rapidly evolving nature of technology keeping IT managers and business leaders on their toes. They are required to constantly be on the lookout for new… Read More>>


Infographic Shows How Android is Fueling Business and Powering the MDM Market

Android Market Share Facts With an expansive range of devices and over 2.5 billion active monthly users, it’s undeniable that Android is a juggernaut in the world of smart devices. The numbers back it up too, Android topping the list of the most popular devices, having shipped 21.6 million of the 36.6 million devices shipped… Read More>>


AirDroid Business publishes infographic on Android market and the explosive growth of Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution

✦ Start to remotely access your Android devices today▸ Get Free Trial ♢ www.airdroid.com/en/bizApply.html※ Try 14 days for free, and no credit card needed ✦ Learn more about the solution▸ Official Website ♢ www.airdroid.com/business

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Cloud-Based MDM: What it is and how it helps

Like most technologies, mobile device management (MDM), has evolved rapidly over the past few years. This evolution has meant the introduction of cloud-based MDM solutions from the original on-premise, server-based MDM solutions. But what exactly does this mean? And are there benefits to utilizing a cloud-based solution over an on-premises one? What is Cloud-Based MDM… Read More>>

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Three Reasons Why Mobile Device Management Technology is Growing in 2020

The mobile device management (MDM) industry is growing with an increased demand for enterprise mobility and employee flexibility, which are the primary drivers behind this growth. The numbers back it up too. With a report from research and markets predicting that from 2019 until 2020, the market is expected to grow from its current valuation… Read More>>

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Securing Misplaced or Stolen Devices with AirDroid Business

The theft or loss of business-deployed mobile devices is no joke, losing businesses an average of over $800,000 per year when accounting for cost, IT help, investigation, and productivity loss. The financial loss, compounded with the fact that lost or stolen devices account for 25 percent of all data breaches means all businesses – regardless… Read More>>

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Managing Logistics with AirDroid Business

The growing usage of mobile devices in managing logistics and supply chains has been a boon to the industry, enabling businesses to closely track shipments, better understand shipment timing, optimize logistics routes, and more. However, these benefits are not without their challenges, with the associated increase in usage seeing a number of roadblocks for those… Read More>>

How to Set Up and Manage Android Digital Signages with AirDroid Business?

How to Set Up and Manage Android Digital Signages with AirDroid Business?

Digital signage for businesses of any size can be a challenge, particularly if the business is trying to implement and execute its digital signage strategy with no outside help. This struggle is made more cogent for companies that have to deploy Android digital signage to many locations. It’s for this reason that the AirDroid Business… Read More>>

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