5 Benefits of Hybrid Work Model in 2022 & Beyond

Last Updated on November 21, 2022

Hybrid Work Model
Image Source – https://unsplash.com/photos/g9KFpAfQ5bc

The workplace is constantly evolving and changing to meet the needs of the employees and the world at large.

Employees all over the world have stated unequivocally that they want flexibility in how and where they work. And businesses are taking notice.

It resulted in increased productivity and flexibility, which are beneficial to both employers and employees.

As a result, most businesses, including large corporations like Microsoft, continue to use flexible work models. According to a recent survey of 800 workplace leaders, 77% have adopted a hybrid working model.

If you want to know what exactly a hybrid work model is and how it can revolutionize your business, read on…

What is a Hybrid Work Model?

Rather than conceiving of the workplace as one specific location, hybrid work models reimagine the workplace as an ecosystem of networked employees, with a people-centered approach to requirements.

Simply put, hybrid work is a new way of working that offers maximum flexibility in terms of time and place.

Hybrid work options allow employees to choose their working hours (in most cases) and whether they want to work in the office or remotely, and on which days. There are four types of hybrid work models:

1. At-will employment: This model allows people to choose the best work arrangement for them on any given day. It is especially useful for those who need to come into the office for a meeting or need a quiet place to work for the day.

2. Split-week model: This model divides the week into two to three days of working from home and two to three days of working on-site. This hybrid model allows managers to stay in touch with their teams while also allowing for regular face-to-face group meetings.

3. Shift work: In this work model, people work in shifts, alternating between working from home and working morning or evening shifts on-site. This is a more challenging model to implement because many people dislike shift work and find it difficult to get up early in the morning or work late at night.

4. Week-by-week: Finally, in the fourth model, people alternate between working from home and on-site every week. This variation is used to allow large teams to share office space and meet for reviews, deadlines, and updates.

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What are The Benefits of the Hybrid Work Model?

Employees may prefer a hybrid workplace model over other workplace models due to its following benefits:

1. Increases Employee Engagement & Job Satisfaction

The hybrid working model allows people to make their decisions on what will make them the most comfortable, efficient, and happy. For many employees, the option of working from home or on-site is liberating.

Hybrid models allow employees to choose when they work from home and when they come into the office. More flexibility leads to a balanced workload, engagement in team activities, and higher work-life satisfaction.

Employee engagement leads to better business outcomes, including a 23% increase in profitability. Furthermore, engaged and happy employees tend to stay longer at their workplaces. You can increase employee retention and drive better business outcomes by allowing them to create their schedules.

2. Better Communication & Collaboration

Working from home has increased productivity but also causes burnout, feelings of isolation, and “Zoom fatigue.” Whereas, meetings, brainstorming sessions, and other collaborative activities increased social interaction, engagement, and camaraderie.

Nowadays, employees can meet, engage, and collaborate quickly with the help of different collaboration tools. With the rise of all-in-one project management applications like SmartTask, Asana, etc., employees can communicate and collaborate seamlessly whether they are working from home or the office or hybrid.

Such tools let you manage your projects, and teams while providing stable and effective channels of collaboration via chat, task comments, mentions, file sharing, VoIP, Video meets, and much more.

3. Enhances Employee Productivity

How productive have you felt working from home?
Image Source – https://www.hibob.com/guides/hybrid-working-model-advantages/

According to a Stanford study, remote workers are 13% more productive than those who work in traditional office settings. Moreover, 81% of employees working in a hybrid setting reported higher engagement and 77% of employees reported higher productivity.

That is why, especially on solo projects, a change in the workspace can lead to increased productivity within a hybrid team. Traditional office spaces do not allow for much personalization and may lack the necessary sunlight, air, or space.

Allowing employees to work from a location of their choosing can thus reduce distractions found in a physical office space. According to Gartner, to create a successful hybrid environment, organizations must invest equally in four different work modes:


  • Working together, together: Teams are co-located and hold meetings in a common area.
  • Working together, apart: Teams are dispersed but meet virtually.


  • Working alone, together: Teams share workspaces but do not work simultaneously.
  • Working alone, apart: Teams are dispersed, with individuals performing in-depth work remotely.
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4. Reduces Operational Costs

A hybrid work model lowers operational costs. With fewer employees coming to the office, you will not need as much space or as many desks, computers, printers, and office supplies. This would also cut down on your utility bills.

Companies can also save thousands of dollars on real estate costs by downsizing to a hybrid model, particularly in expensive metropolitan areas. In fact, 56% of workplace leaders expect to save money by reducing their physical workplace footprint.

Hybrid work is also beneficial to your employees’ bank accounts. They will save money on daily commutes and Starbucks drinks.

5. Improves Mental Health & Well Being of Employees

Burnout from juggling high stress in the office 40 hours a week along with other daily life tasks can cost you and your organization more than you realize. According to Harvard Business Review, US$125 to US$190 billion was spent on healthcare in the United States in 2017 due to physiological and physical problems of burned-out employees.

On the contrary, working from home has been beneficial to many people’s mental health. Working from home removed many of the stressors associated with a more traditional work model, such as the stress of commuting or the pressure of putting in more time in the office to meet deadlines.

With this new flexibility, employees have more opportunities to improve their health and wellness. Others, who have thrived in an office setting, have the option of working in the office when they prefer in a hybrid setting.

As a result, employees who prefer either type of work have better work-life balance and mental health outcomes.

How Technology is Changing The Way We Work?

With the COVID-19 pandemic, employer culture improvements, and technological advancements, hybrid work has finally reached the forefront of the modern workplace.

Especially the digital age has opened up plenty of opportunities, enabling effective collaboration and work even without being physically present in the office.

Many different tools, such as remote access tools, remote communication platforms, device management tools, employee engagement tools, etc., keep things running smoothly.

Many organizations have already adopted a hybrid work model. Their employees are operating from home but working on office computers with the help of remote access tools like AirDroid Business.

The collaboration tools also enable you to connect with your team or clients via chat, and video meets, and share files and documents easily so that everyone is on the same page.

The Future of Work is Hybrid

There is no denying that hybrid work models are the way of the future. In the coming time, employees will seamlessly integrate into hybrid teams, regardless of their physical location.

Hybrid models provide employees with greater flexibility, a better work-life balance, and increased employee-employer trust. This starts with building strong communication and planning strategies, breaking down silos, and building a connected workplace.

Therefore, by carefully considering its benefits, selecting the appropriate tools, and ensuring clear and concise communication channels, you can create a thriving hybrid workplace.

Shyamal Parikh

Author’s Bio:

Shyamal Parikh is the Founder of SmartTask, an online work management/automation software that helps teams streamline their processes, whether sales, hiring, customer success, or projects. He actively shares strategies and techniques that improve a team’s productivity.

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