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IT Support is Critical in Keeping the Mobile Workspace Productive, Here’s Why

Last Updated on August 5, 2022

Over the past two decades, businesses from every industry have slowly but surely been moving towards a mobile-first workplace where employees utilize devices to help facilitate the sales process, improve customer experience, enable remote working, or just in streamlining day-to-day operations. While this transition has been gradual so far, the rapid emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed remote work from what was a novelty into a necessity, almost overnight, leaving many organizations scrambling to equip themselves with the tools they require to continue operating at a normal – or as close to normal as possible – pace.

Unfortunately, as many organizations are just now realizing, it’s not just the technological tools, like remote support software, that are needed to make this transition as smooth as possible. After all, with a mobile-dependent workforce, who will install the necessary software on each employees’ device? Who will manage and maintain the devices? And, who do employees contact when an inevitable technical issue arises?

This is where the critical role of an IT Support Team comes in, and for companies who are yet to implement an IT Support strategy and team, we have pulled together a number of reasons why IT Support is critical to a mobile-first companies’ success. Read on to learn more.

Tech Sourcing

Whether it’s email, passwords for accounts, IT security, issue resolution, software, or hardware, many business functions fall under the domain of an IT Manager in at least some capacity, and IT Managers require the right tools and technologies to access, control, and secure each of these functions. Many business leaders and decision makers struggle when it comes to selecting appropriate technology for their organizations, and more often than not, this is because they don’t have the understanding or knowledge around what type of technology is most useful in managing a remote team or mobile workforce. This is where the IT Remote Support Team comes in, who draw from their knowledge-base about the IT and technological requirements that a mobile-first business has, while also providing remote technical support during implementation.

As such, before purchasing or implementing new IT tools and technologies, it’s imperative to at least consult with an experienced IT Manager to assess the true needs of the business, which technology will deliver the best value, and which technologies will suit that businesses’ needs.

Training Support

With the introduction of any new technology or tool, there’s always a period of adjustment while employees get used to the tool and the updated procedures that go along with it. A dedicated IT Support team can help speed up the familiarization process – while boosting productivity – by guiding employees with hands-on support and training to equip them with the knowledge so they can use the new tools and technologies confidently, with minimal downtime.

Issue Resolution and Maintenance

Whether it’s a faulty device or failing app it’s inevitable that at some point, a business will struggle with malfunctioning devices or issues with software. These issues, if not fixed quickly, can cost a business considerably in terms of both money and productivity because if the device isn’t working, then the employee isn’t either. A dedicated IT Support team, equipped with the right tools like Mobile Device Management, or MDM technology, can speed up the issue resolution and device maintenance process by guiding employees through the resolution process using this type of technology to access, control, and secure the devices within a businesses’ network. This means that if an issue arises, it can be fixed quickly, reducing downtime, and maximizing business and remote productivity.

For more information around IT Support and how MDM technology can streamline a businesses’ mobile-first operations, or to sign up for a 14-day free trial of the AirDroid Business MDM software, please visit: https://www.airdroid.com/business.

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4 responses to “IT Support is Critical in Keeping the Mobile Workspace Productive, Here’s Why”

  1. […] issue businesses are facing when it comes to MDM is the rise of the digital workspace. During the covid19 pandemic, many people have been working from home, often from their own […]

  2. […] and developing your customer relations. Such performance analysis has a somewhat similar quality as IT support for your team: it doesn’t seem necessary until you are in a complicated situation with no solution. In other […]

  3. […] remote support solution should also include administrative aspects. Depending on how large your IT support team is, you may need the ability […]

  4. […] Allow them to become more productive and provide more value to others […]

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